Risa’s Table

Welcome to my table … where you will always experience laughter, good food and great wine.

recipe Risa Johnson recipe Risa Johnson

Strawberry Basil Ice Cream

Did someone say Limoncello? Yes, please?

Strawberries + basil + your favorite ice cream mix = GOODNESS!

I know. I know. It’s a little different, but these flavors go so well together. I’ve even made Strawberry Basil Water as a way to give plain water a refreshing summer taste.

This is definitely in the top five of my favorite ice cream flavors. And if you do not like basil, just leave it out…strawberry ice cream is always a great choice.

Just grab your favorite vanilla ice cream starter and get started. This is so easy. Just follow the starter kit and your icecream maker instructions and you’ll be good to go. Let me know if you make it.

…Risa’s Table

Strawberry Basil Ice Cream

Serving: 6 | Prep time: 40 minutes + freezing time | Cooking Time: 0 minutes


  • 1 pint of strawberries

  • handful of basil

  • your favorite vanilla ice cream starter (you will follow the directions for your ice cream starter)

You will need:

  • ice cream container (with an airtight lid)

  • food processor

  • ice cream machine


Place your strawberries and basil in a food processor and blend until you like the consistency.

After you’ve mixed all of your liquids into the ice cream mix, add the strawberries and basil mixture and add to ice cream maker.

Freeze to your ice cream maker instructions.


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recipe Risa Johnson recipe Risa Johnson

Blood Orange Simple Syrup

Did someone say Limoncello? Yes, please?

What is there not to love about a blood orange? Ha. Nothing. Once you cut into one, the color alone will have you in awe. IN…LOVE! Seriously.

You can imagine my excitement when I received some last week in my Local Farm OK weekly bag. I knew I wanted to do something special with them. Of course, I ate one…first. But then I thought…what else could I do with them?

When I think of an orange, the first thing that comes to my mind is my favorite drink…and Old Fashioned. So why not make a Blood Orange Simple Syrup for that favorite drink?

It was so easy to make and it’s smells so good.

In the recipe below, I added an option to add a small amount of water to the mixture because keep in mind, the blood orange is already sweet and we are adding sugar to it. Adding a small about of water (less than 1/4 cup) will cut down on the sugar (just a bit)….if that’s what you like. I didn’t add any water and a love it. It’s a little thicker than my regular simple syrup, but I like it.

If you make it, let me know what you think.

…Risa’s Table

Blood Orange Simple Syrup

Serving: 1 cup | Prep time: 40 minutes | Cooking Time: 5 minutes


  • 1 cup juice from blood oranges (about 5 oranges)

  • 1 cup of sugar

  • 2 slice of the blood orange

  • 1/4 cup of water (optional)

You will need:

  • container (with an airtight lid)

  • small pot

  • strainer


Add all ingredients to a small pot and cook on medium-high heat; stir often. Make sure all sugar has dissolved.

Remove from heat once syrup starts to boil. Let cool to room temperature (about 35 minutes).

Once completed cooled, strain the syrup and place in a air-tight container. Place in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.


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